My git aliases

by Adrien Samson on 09 Mar 2014

Most used commands

When I’m working on a project at M6Web, my workflow is almost always like this:

git checkout master
git pull --ff-only origin master
git checkout -b my-new-feature
# Code...
git status
git add -A
git diff --staged
git commit
git push origin my-new-feature

Since I run these commands very often, I’ve abbreviated them to 1 or 2 letters:

git co master
git u
git co -b my-new-feature
# Code...
git s
git a
git ds
git ci
git p

Other aliases

I can’t read git log output without --graph --decorate options so I added git l for that. I also have git r for git pull --rebase and git d for git diff.

All these aliases are in my git-utils repository.

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